Who Can Register a CIDB Card?

Who Can Register a CIDB Card?

Introduction Register CIDB online for the green card must be register for any individual who is working in the construction industry as well as performing construction works that qualify to be consider as construction personnel. The Green Card proves that the holder...
Job Category CIDB

Job Category CIDB

Types Of Job Category Job category of CIDB? How do I update the work in the system? What kinds of job categories are there? Can I upgrade my job from a construction trainer to a general construction worker? We will explain about types of job category of CIDB below....
Green Card CIDB Foreigner

Green Card CIDB Foreigner

CIDB green card also can be register and renew for foreign workers. We will explain the process to register green card CIDB foreigner. Documents Needed for Registration Green Card CIDB for Foreigner The documents that need to be include is a passport, active work...
How To Check CIDB Online Green Card Status?

How To Check CIDB Online Green Card Status?

Check CIDB Online Green Card Status How to check CIDB green card status? Here we share information how to check your CIDB green card status. Introduction CIDB green card is a declaration issued by the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). For...
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