by Admin | Jan 28, 2022 | Kad Personel Binaan CIDB
Pengenalan Tahukah anda bahawa diwajibkan semua pekerja yang terlibat dalam kerja-kerja binaan berdaftar dengan CIDB sebagai Personel Binaan iaitu dengan memiliki Kad Hijau CIDB berkuatkuasa 1hb Jun 2015. Sekiranya anda telah pun mempunyai kad hijau tetapi ianya telah...
by Admin | Apr 21, 2021 | Kad Hijau
How to Renew CIDB Green Card Introduction Effective on 1st June 2015, it is mandatory to all workers and contractors that involved in construction need to register with CIDB as Construction Personnel by having a CIDB green card . If you already have a green card but...
by Admin | Apr 21, 2021 | Kad Hijau
CIDB Green Card What is CIDB Green Card? CIDB green card or ‘kad hijau’ CIDB is a registered declaration issued by the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Berhad (CIDB) for construction personnel. That involved in construction works and have...